About Zero Waste Wrangler’s Team and Work
The Team
Kyle Winkler
Jennifer Breitlauch
Route Helper
The Work
This is not a backyard composting program. When managing over three hundred tons of compostable materials per year including meat, cheese, bread, and all the carbon-rich stuff needed to build a balanced composting process, one needs a reliable partner to process the materials responsibly. Zero Waste Wrangler currently works with AgRecycle to manage most of the organic materials that it hauls.
Glass Recycling
Zero Waste Wrangler collects glass, source-separated, for commercial customers already utilizing its organics collection service. Glass is sent to a local sorting facility, CAP Glass Recycling, that categorizes the mixed glass pieces into different colors and sizes for reuse and recycling.
The destination is zero, but the journey is what we are all on. It is not singularly focused on material waste, but rather touches on a wide range of issues that deal with untangling the mess that is modern consumer culture.