Services for Businesses
Food Scraps & Compostables Hauling
We work with restaurants, bakeries, breweries, coffee shops, grocery stores and corporate cafeterias that need help with managing their compostables. Whether they be food waste, coffee grounds and single use compostables, we can do it all! Scheduling of pickup services depend on your needs whether that is bi-weekly, weekly, twice weekly or monthly. All carts are swapped out for rinsed and relined carts offering you superior control over unwanted smells and bugs. Weights are recorded at time of service so that you can report on your food scraps, compostables and recyclables programs’ impact
Don’t make enough food scraps and compostables to require a regular pickup? Maybe you are a food truck or bicycle powered biscuit sandwich slinger with intermittent disposal needs? Access our network of ten compostables drop-offs in the City of Pittsburgh whenever you need!
Glass Hauling
If you are already a food scraps customer, then we can also help you with your glass. There is no magic to glass recycling, but getting it in the right hands will make sure it actually gets recycled. Learn more about glass recycling or drop us a line and we’ll get you on the schedule for regular pickups.
Special Projects
With over twelve years of experience across a wide range of organizational types and sizes, we can help get solutions going in the right direction. Zero Waste Wrangler is always looking for opportunities to advance the cause of waste reduction in south west Pennsylvania and grow our business. Don’t let your waste be a lost opportunity!